Benefits of Thyroid Hormones

We’ll get the positive components out of the way first and discuss why you might want to intervene in your metabolic output by integrating either of these two exogenous hormones.

There are actually plenty of good reasons to consider them. We’ll first start with T3 tablets and address what a T3 cytomel cycle can do for you before we analyse the beneficial aspects of T4 and why you might use this version instead.

Above all, remember always to get hold of a safe and effective product from a reliable, trusted and customer-oriented supplier – check out for instance the prominent T3 Cytomel by Prime Pharma, a leader in its class.

What Is T3 Going To Do For Me?


In theory, T3 is going to lead to accelerated weight loss via the manipulation of the thyroid gland. A spike in thyroid production will lead to a spike in metabolic activity, and as such, you’ll burn through excess calories.

This spike isn’t going to be mild either – T3 delivers a massive surge of thyronine, which accelerates metabolic output vastly beyond its normal production capacity.

In conjunction with burning excess calories, users may also find that they experience:

  • Enhanced focus
  • Enhanced mental clarity
  • Enhanced energy
  • Enhanced muscular / cardiovascular endurance
  • Enhanced nutrient uptake as a result of increased blood flow

These positive elements are all individually beneficial in their own right and can assist tremendously with one’s training output.

It’s worth noting that aside from fat burning potential, the positive benefits listed above also make this product useful within a performance-enhancing capacity as opposed to simply being resigned for fat loss purposes. It’s fairly rare to encounter it within this framework, but athletes have been known to use it as a means of boosting their endurance prior to taking part of key events.

It could also be used as a means of “making weight” if you were competing in a weight classed sport of any kind. Aside from athletic integration, it’s also worth noting that T3 and T4 are two of the only supplements used for bodybuilding that are also used by the general populous for weight loss.

You would never ordinarily find an “anabolically associated” item being integrated into a weight loss regime by a member of the general public, but the very specific traits on offer by this substance mean that it can be used as such. In actual fact, T3 probably features as part of weight loss only plans almost as much as it does of bodybuilding-cutting plans. This is interesting, but also highly worrying in equal measure.

We say worrying, because in a similar fashion to the irrefutably dangerous DNP (introduced to the anabolic world by the infamous Dan Duchaine), T3 is simply not a substance to be taken lightly.

Nor is it to be bought from anyone on the market … rely only on trusted suppliers, and on their well concentrated and pure T3: like Prime Pharma, which also improves your energy level.

It’s actually difficult enough to control and tolerate if you have pre-existing experience with fat burners, but in the hands of a fairly unsuspecting member of the general public, it can easily be lethal.

Fat burning aids actually lead to a surprising number of hospital visits and fatalities per year – we don’t say this as a means of attempted aversion from using the product, it’s more a case of making you aware that taking T3 (and even T4) isn’t like supplementing with a green tea capsule.

For now though, back onto the positives. T3 is going to supercharge a bodybuilding cut like no tomorrow when implemented properly – it’s worth noting that it shouldn’t be turned to as a first port of call, but it can be very useful to call on when you’re worried about hitting your target weight.

In an ideal world, you’d start a progressive cutting phase several months before your ideal “peak” window came around – this would mean that you could slowly and securely taper your way down to your ideal body weight / appearance without having to turn to any drastic measures in the process.

However, this assumes that you’re a fairly happy-go-lucky “cutter” in general. It also assumes that your off-season is performed in a fairly laid back fashion too. When we’re considering how an anabolic veteran might perform a cutting and bulking phase though, those looking for enormous levels of mass are going to spend as long as possible trying to build their frame.

They’re also likely to try and make their cutting window as minimal as possible in order to ensure that they can take as much time as they can to “evolve” their frame throughout the year. Obviously, this leads to compromises being made when it comes to “coming in” (reaching your target weight) on time. It means that you’re going to have a lot more work to do, and less time to do it in when it comes to burning off excess body fat.

If you’ve been gaining with dry steroids like trenbolone, you won’t have nearly as much work to do as you would after spending the majority of your year on the likes of anadrol or dianabol. Equally, those who “dry” gain don’t typically gain as much size as their hard gaining counterparts. For this reason, some opt to go hard and heavy in the pursuit of extreme mass. It’s these individuals that are likely going to need to call on exogenous fat burning aids like T3 to ensure that the pounds come off thick and fast.

Whilst it can’t replace good nutritional habits, T3 can certainly make your fat burning results accelerate at a faster rate when compared to simply eating healthily and performing cardio / resistance training alone. It’s not going to burn an extra two stone or anything near as extreme as that in its own right, but it will perfectly supplement an existing plan and refine it further.

Possible T3 Side Effects (0.1% of users)


As previously stated, it isn’t all fun and games sadly. T3 is a fairly high-risk supplement to use as part of a weight loss regime.

To be as realistic as possible, it isn’t necessarily any riskier than using any anabolic steroid – the only problem here lies in the fact that there is a pre-determined means of controlling steroid use (the intra and post cycle phase) whereas fat burners (and in this case exogenous thyroid hormones) don’t come supplemented with such a “care package.”

The “care package” in this instance relies primarily on user sensibility. Some of the issues you may face when using T3 include, but are not limited to:

Common side effects

  • Headaches
  • Hot flushes
  • Weight gain (due to overeating)
  • Sweating
  • Heat intolerance
  • Heart palpitations
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Calf cramps
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Menstrual problems
  • Hair loss
  • Chest pain
  • Exercise intolerance

Less common and severe side effects

  • Swelling of the mouth
  • Swelling of the face
  • Swelling of the tongue
  • Swelling of the throat
  • Breathing problems
  • Anaphylaxis (a potentially life threatening allergic reaction – a combination of all of the above)

Should you encounter any severe effects, it’s important that you consult with a medical professional immediately.

The above outlined “serious” symptoms are unlikely to manifest with a typical user of T3, but far more likely is the manifestation of the milder side effects listed in the first section. In fact, it’s almost guaranteed that you’re going to experience at least one or several of these common ailments whilst using it – this is precisely why you need to weigh up the risk vs the benefit when integrating it.

Another potentially serious issue is that those who use exogenous hormones in this fashion can actually develop a dependency for them. When this happens, the body “shuts down” its organic production of T3 believing that it has a non-stop supply via external means.

When this occurs, it’s likely that you’ll have to implement medication in order to optimise your natural synthesis again – this is obviously not an ideal end result, and not supplementing appropriately (in accordance with the guidelines of a medical professional) should dependancy develop is almost definitely going to lead to hypothyroidism (as a result of a chronic deficiency in T3.) You can actually avert this situation by administering T3 medication in an intermittent fashion. We’ll shortly advise on how best to follow this procedure.

Though this may sound somewhat alarming, it is truly no different to the suppression of natural testosterone levels that takes place when integrating anabolic steroids – though no “PCT” (Post Cycle Therapy) is needed in this instance, provided you integrate this product appropriately. Some people worry that the use of T3 (or T4) actually permanently damages the thyroid gland – it is likely that their concern largely comes as a result of the potential for organic hormone suppression as mentioned above as opposed to lasting damage.

There isn’t any particularly discerning evidence to prove that T3 can permanently damage the thyroid gland in any way – however, there is a great deal to suggest that normal functionality will typically resume within a maximum of 6 months after ceasing administration of T3.

The above results also come after a period of continuous as opposed to intermittent use. As a result, it’s impossible to state at this stage that permanent damage is likely. Genetics will always play a huge part in the outcome of any exogenous substance use though, and it should be noted that whilst permanent damage is unlikely it will always be possible.

It’s possible to permanently damage the body when taking almost any over-the-counter medication, though the documented instances of this happening are almost negligible. This should give you a better overview in regards to any concern you might have about this element of usage.

What Is T4 Going To Do For Me?


Out of the two available exogenous thyroid hormones, T4 is by far the “tamest.” What you’ll effectively be able to do when supplementing with T4 is “persuade” your thyroid gland to produce an optimal level of triiodothyronine. This is somewhat of a contrast to the introduction of T3, being that (as previously stated) this is a far more “natural” process that doesn’t necessarily force the body into an “excessive” course of action.

Those who would typically integrate T4 are perhaps either more patient in regards to their goal attainment, or have their nutritional and training practices locked down tightly to the extent that they simply don’t need any “harsh” intervention as per the type provided by T3. As per T3, this hormone could actually be used within several capacities ranging from athletic performance to a standard weight loss plan – it’s every bit as dexterous as its stronger “brother.”

The primary difference here being that this one is far more accessible in terms of potential side effects, and it will be much easier to assimilate for those who are highly sensitive to stimulant-like products or any medication whatsoever that may trigger a metabolic spike (if you fall into this latter category by the way…T3 and T4 really aren’t for you and you should instead prioritise your nutrition / training practices.)

Concerning athletic performance: it’s hard to recommend the integration of T4 whatsoever in this capacity being that T3 is a rather unorthodox choice for the athlete as it stands, and this hormone has an even lower level of potency.

It could be useful for “making weight” – but other than that, it’s usefulness would largely be obsolete, even in regards to advanced energy output. As part of a standard weight loss plan, it would definitely work effectively for those who already follow strict nutritional practices, but it would definitely not have any positive effect whatsoever otherwise.

You should bear this prominently in mind before making a decision to purchase this hormone – if T3 would require strict nutritional adherence (which it would), then T4 would threefold. This isn’t a supplement for a “weekend warrior” by any means.

For the bodybuilder performing a cutting phase, this hormone choice would prove to be useful whilst not being “dramatically” effective. This is actually fine though, because not everybody needs “dramatic” intervention to achieve his or her goals. When explaining the kind of difference T4 can make for those cutting – it’s safe to say that, provided the user views it as a “safety” measure rather than a means of drastically improving their results, then they’re going to find favourable benefits from using it.

We say this because the effects aren’t likely to be prominent enough for the user to notice a huge difference in terms of fat loss – what they will find however is that if their “base” elements are in check (nutrition and training), then T4 will be an excellent means of optimising fat loss, and likely improving it marginally.

If you integrate it with a view to making sure that your “organic” efforts lead to a desirable benefit, you might just find that it accelerates your results by an extra 5% in a best-case scenario. This is by no means a huge number, but considering that sensible training and nutrition alone can actually deliver the results most people would be looking for in terms of weight loss during a cut, an extra 5% actually becomes quite meaningful.

A hardcore bodybuilder (hard gainer) of the type mentioned in the T3 section probably wouldn’t be a huge advocate of T4 as they would need something with more raw power to shift their excess fat stores, but for a general gym goer or even fitness model, it could be precisely what they need.

A fitness model doesn’t typically go to “extremes” throughout the year when it comes to mass gaining, so it’s not often that they ever have an abundance of fat to lose. For professionals operating within this capacity, or even for the casual gym goer who wishes to try and emulate their look, T4 could be a highly beneficial means of maintaining a lean appearance and helping to evolve it during “fat burn” specific periods too.


Possible T4 Side Effects (0.1% of users)

As with T3, T4 does carry with it the risk of some adverse issues arising. Though these issues aren’t as likely to manifest as they would during T3 use, they are still very much real – you’ll need to keep an eye out for their appearance during use.

As before, there are some common side effects that most people will generally experience during their time with the product, and there are some less common / severe side effects that would warrant immediate medical attention.

The associated side effects when taking T4 are as follows.

Common Side Effects:

  • Profuse sweating bouts
  • Hand tremors
  • Unplanned weight loss (in excess of the mild weight loss one may expect whilst using this product)
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • General fatigue
  • An intolerance for heat
  • Headaches

During your T4 usage, it would be typical of a user to experience at least one of the above issues. It’s unlikely that it’ll manifest in too potent a fashion, but you should expect at least some form of one or several of the above elements to manifest.

Less Common / Severe Side Effects:

  • Acute chest pains
  • Highly elevated (and sustained) pulse rate
  • Vomiting
  • Acute fever

If any of the above symptoms manifest (in the severe side effects section), this would be enough basis to call in assistance from a medical professional as, simply put, they shouldn’t occur. When adverse issues of the above type arise it’s usually because the user has experienced an adverse reaction to the exogenous supplement itself. They are not what one could call “normal” issues to experience.

In regards to the prior list (in both cases) these symptoms should be expected within a mild capacity. If they manifest at an intermediate level or above however, it would be wise to call your local health helpline for advice, following which you’ll be advised in regards to whether or not you should head into your local medical centre.