Why Stack T3 With Anabolics?
I’ve Heard T3 Is Catabolic…Is This True?
This is a popular concern when taking T3 amongst the bodybuilding community, and it’s largely down to the fact that many users have actually lost muscle whilst taking this hormone.
Is this because T3 itself has muscle-wasting properties, or is some other element to blame?
In all honesty – it’s the latter.
Why though?
Because there is no scientific link whatsoever between triiodothyronine itself and the direct breakdown of muscle tissue. Not in its own right at least.
There is however a link between the presence of triiodothyronine in the system and the loss of muscle tissue. This may sound like a contradiction, but there is an enormous difference between these two statements.
One assumes that triiodothyronine is to blame whereas the other assumes that it is merely present in the system whilst the catabolic process takes place.

How T3 Works When Stacked With Anabolic
How and why this may happen is almost definitely going to be reliant on user error as opposed to some kind of defect with the hormone itself. This error comes in the form of inadequate nutrition. One of the biggest problems with performing a cut (assuming it’s being used in this capacity when muscle loss takes place as taking it during the off-season would largely prove counterproductive) is keeping your hard earned muscle mass in place.
Whilst there are several steroids out there that serve to preserve this mass very effectively, even they cannot counteract bad nutritional habits. It’s often very tempting to reduce calories by as much as possible when trying to get lean in an effort to make your scale weight drop rapidly, but this will usually lead to a subsequent loss of muscle in the process.
A proper cut actually revolves around eating enough calories to preserve mass whilst effectively burning through excess fat stores. No matter which external substances you choose to implement in order to produce the best end result possible, these principles will always form the foundation of an effective cutting cycle. As such, it’s simply astounding how many people will take a combination of steroids and T3 whilst also completely neglecting their nutritional and training practices.
Many people make the mistake of thinking these exogenous compounds are “miracle” pills that will do all of the hard work for them. As a result, they end up tremendously disheartened due to the fact that they don’t achieve the results they were looking for. At no time whatsoever whilst using T3 can you abolish sensible nutritional practices (and we’ll soon outlay precisely what “sensible” nutrition means whilst integrating this product) if you want to keep hold of as much of your lean tissue mass as possible.
It’s also vital that you only implement a large enough dose to achieve your end result. Should you integrate too much too soon, you’ll simply end up laying waste to your mass as a result of an excessive metabolic surge. Slow and steady is the key – our upcoming tapered administration guidelines will definitely allow you to “safely” integrate this item with a minimal risk of catabolism occurring.
Many people make the mistake of thinking these exogenous compounds are “miracle” pills that will do all of the hard work for them. As a result, they end up tremendously disheartened due to the fact that they don’t achieve the results they were looking for.
At no time whatsoever whilst using T3 can you abolish sensible nutritional practices (and we’ll soon outlay precisely what “sensible” nutrition means whilst integrating this product) if you want to keep hold of as much of your lean tissue mass as possible.
It’s also vital that you only implement a large enough dose to achieve your end result. Should you integrate too much too soon, you’ll simply end up laying waste to your mass as a result of an excessive metabolic surge.
Slow and steady is the key – our tapered administration guidelines will definitely allow you to “safely” integrate this item with a minimal risk of catabolism occurring.
And please don’t forget another main key: only use T3 coming from a trusted, professional and reliable supplier, shipping you safely and quickly only the purest and best concentrated product: check out MyoGen Labs and their first class T-Gen 3 variant – simply among the top performers as an efficient fat burner