Side effects for thyroid


The thyroid gland may suffer from different dysfunctional conditions. One of which is hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormones, namely: Triiodothyronine or T3 and Thyroxine or T4 than normal.

The other thyroid gland dysfunction is the exact opposite to hyperthyroidism and it is called hypothyroidism. This condition is characterized by the thyroid gland generating thyroid hormones that are much lower than the required levels.

When a person has hyperthyroidism, they may get treatment by administering prescription anti-thyroid medication. Hyperthyroidism may also be treated by surgery if anti-thyroid medications and eveno radioactive iodine treatment does not work.



Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, you may experience any of these symptoms; excessive sweating, an intolerance to heat, irritability, hyperactivity, restlessness, frequent hunger, heart palpitations, nervousness, mood swings, an abnormal heartbeat, puffy eyes, insomnia, an irregular menstrual cycle, weak muscles, diarrhoea and weight loss.


Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

On the other hand, some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism include: lethargy, a cold feeling, tiredness, hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, a high cholesterol count, a slow heartbeat, goiter, constipation, sluggishness, and weight gain.

Hypothyroidism can be managed with a treatment involving Cytomel (liothyronine sodium). The daily dosage and duration of use of this orally administered medication will depend on several factors, such as; the age of the person, gender, current health condition and general tolerance to the drug.

The dosage to be administered will also be dependent on the severity of the hypothyroidism. Whatever the case may be, the use of Cytomel can lead to you experiencing a number of side effects. If you are a bodybuilder looking to use liothyronine sodium in conjunction with androgenic anabolic-steroids as part of your structured cutting program, you should know right that you could lose some muscle mass.

Cytomel aids the rapid burning of fats, proteins and carbs in your body as your metabolism is given a jolt. If you have sufficient levels of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones in your body, taking this drug can further enhance the level of T3 and T4 in your bloodstream which invariably leads to a much higher rate of metabolism.

Side Effects of Hypothyroidism Treatment with Cytomel

When consumed as part of a prescribed daily dosage, you may experience some side effects from using Cytomel. These side effects range from mild to severe and include:

  • Headaches and migraine,
  • Nervousness and anxiety,
  • Difficulty in sleeping,
  • Irritability,
  • Excessive sweating,
  • An intolerance to heat or humid temperatures,
  • Diarrhoea, and an
  • irregular menstrual cycle.

Other side effects include: hand tremors, difficulty in breathing, weakness of the muscles, weight loss and a heightened appetite.

Patients may also encounter side effects such as: pain in the jaw, back, or arm, double or blurred vision, infrequent urination and a decrease in their urine output, a drop in their bone mineral density, chest pain, heaviness or tightness, and depression.


It is important to consult your doctor if you experience any of the side effects mentioned here. While some of these side effects are considered to be mild and common, it is always important that your doctor is informed at all times. It is possible that your doctor may prescribe a lower dosage depending on the severity of your side effects.